Tuesday, February 7, 2012

lesbian Chinese Food adventure

The night was young and we were hungry so the solution was obvious... CHINESE FOOD! we placed our order at dragon dynasty, the most central location for nerds and a hot babe in the worcester area to buy kung pow chicken. after placing our order for mucho chicken in many different forms for no apparent reason we went on our journey in the cool kid mobile to pick up our delicious meal. walking in, all we got was a wiff of what was to come...was that cat? mouse? or maybe the RAMOUSQUIRREL that lives above our room...could that even be possible? god we hoped so...any whoo, the nice gentlemen behind the counter noticed us patiently waiting and said " i will be right with you in a moment ladies"...LADIES??? i knew it. on occassion I have been mistaken for a woman, the last time this happend we were in a burger king drive thru and my head was turned towards Erin... they must have noticed my flowing long hair (natuarally, it IS beautiful) instead of my giant oversized penis... after that i thought to myself....hmmm maybe i really am a lesbian. Anyway, upon receiveing our meal the chinese food guy proceeded to place a precarious pouch of soy sauce on the top of the order in the bag, he did this with the intent of ruining my stupid burton jacket, SUCCESS! my jacket now covered in sauce i whined and whined like a little baby and drove home angrily almost running over several small children on the way. we settled in after eating and watched a movie which i dont remember the end of do to some dildo swinging, but as i lay tired staring at the ceiling before sleep i thought to myself, maybe my girlfriend is trying to turn me into a woman so she can be a lesbian for real... that would explain the taste of estrogen pills in my food last night....sigh -Will

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